ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

One of our town’s future leaders has learned this week that perhaps he can’t actually go through life and do whatever he wants, something which terrifies him.

A new dawn is casting a bright glow upon Whooton School fourth-former Luke Rhose-Smith’s world, he says.

“If this week has taught me anything, it’s that I can’t go through life like those who’ve trod this road before me,” he told this masthead.

“If I do terrible things to people, there’s a chance that it might have consequences for me. I could have my career ruined by my actions. That concept is so far removed from what I’ve been lead to believe. I thought I was born to rule but now it looks like I was born to serve,”

“Instead of being a pig until my left ventricle blows out when I’m 77, I might be the first generation of my kind to be accountable for what I do and say. There was a valuable lesson to be learned this week,”

“Or I could be completely wrong.”

More to come.


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