Claudia Wyatt-Bechey (56) says she’s been feeling down all afternoon.

Like hundreds of thousands of armchair cultural commentators from Australia’s left-wing Twittersphere, her faith in the American political system has all but vanished today.

This follows the chaotic first of three US Presidential debates, which took place at 11am AEST.

President Trump and Joe Biden clashed over the Supreme Court, the government’s pandemic response and the economy in a debate marked by interruptions and personal barbs from both candidates —with the Republican leader accusing his rival’s son of taking millions of dollars from the mayor of Moscow, and the Democratic challenger calling Mr. Trump “the worst president that America has ever had.”

While polls suggests Biden finished with the upper hand over the incumbent, just like they said Hillary Clinton had in 2016, the fact that Trump was unable to alpha male today’s opponent with chauvinistic one-liners revealed a very visible hurdle for his campaign this time around.

Regardless, the cultural and political elite that exist only in the frenemies-laden schoolyard of Australian auspol Twitter are running the angle that ‘both sides are as bad as each other’.

Claudia is one of these commentators, who in her life experience as someone who has spent 90% of her life either inside a tertiary institution or a broadsheet newsroom, Claudia says she can’t believe that this is the best America has to offer.

“How is it between these two???!” she asks the 1350 people that exist inside her social media echo chamber.

“Is this all America has to offer?”

Claudia’s tweets, which fail to acknowledge that Trump wiped the floor with her dream Democratic candidate in 2016, are more performative statements rather than questions.

Statements that show a short memory, seeing they are coming from someone who has spent the better part of two decades trying to hide the fact that handed out flyers for the now One Nation-affiliated Mark Latham in 2004, and then spent a week crying when her vote-stacking Labor Right hero got towelled up at the ballot.

“Trump is such a vile man. He thrives off division, all the while underpinning all off the pillars that protect the working class”

“I can’t understand how the democrats could pick such an ill-equipped candidate to topple this racist dog whistler””

“I’ve never seen anything like this”


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