After a couple of months of optimism, Elena Jurkic has today decided to bite the bullet and postpone her iso-goals until next time.

This follows nearly 10 weeks of talking about committing to learning how to make jewelry, working on the post-iso-bod, and, for some reason, brushing up on regional history.

Her behaviour mirrors millions of other Australians who have tried to find the silver lining amidst the global pandemic that has crippled many aspects of daily life that we had previously been accustomed to.

However, with the end of iso now in sight, Jurkic told The Advocate this morning she’s putting a bookmark in the aforementioned goals and a few other hobbies she planned to work on, and will pick them up down the track.

“Yeah my housemates and I have decided to just cut the shit today, and enjoy the last few weeks of not having to go out and get pissed and travel an hour each way to work,” Jurkic said.

“I’ll pick up beading next time there’s iso,” she laughed.

“Three months ago I kind of thought, hey there’s this giant chunk of time where I can do all those little things I always said I wanted to do, and I don’t think I’ve achieved any of my goals.”

“At least I’m in a better position than the two boys I live with,” she laughed, referencing her boyfriend and her friend’s boyfriend.

“They’ve just honed their FIFA skills, put on an extra layer, and developed a TikTok addiction.”

Jurkic said that while she isn’t sure when the next pandemic will be, she’ll definitely get round to achieving all those goals when it does come knocking.


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