Despite their better judgement, and perhaps in an attempt to reclaim what they perceived to be lost youth, Hannah Burke and Leslie Totts [27] figured they’d ditch their usual Rosé and crackers for a Saturday night going hard at some weird Covid-safe inner-city rave.

Though they should have known that it was going was going to be an absolute shit fest, but the two girls firmly believed that if they were committed to having a good time, they would.

This meant, of course, meant drinking a bit of alcohol, that is, until Leslie suddenly started crying about her dipshit ex, Davin.

As they drunkenly bumbled into her apartment, Hannah says she quickly consoled her slobbering friend before grabbing whatever she could from the back of her linen cupboard and slumping into bed.

When she awoke the next day, Hannah was shocked to discover her friend curled up with a blanket she didn’t recognise.

“I don’t even know where it came from”, says Hannah, still half pissed, “I moved into this apartment three months ago.”

“I’ve never owned a shit blanket. Fuck, I don’t even have a bottom sheet.”

“Asked mum if she slipped it in and she reckons she hadn’t. Can’t for the life of me figure out how it turned up in my cupboard.”

Hannah reveals that after she’d packed it away, she attempted to have another look at it to figure out its origin. But when she tried to find it, the blanket was nowhere to be found.

“It’s a bit spooky actually”, says Hannah, shivering slightly.

“But I’m sure it will resurface again.”


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