
Best Distraction From Current News Cycle Found To Be Getting Pissed Under A Timber Queenslander And Listening To Violent Soho

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT With endless misery and tragedy in the local news cycle, escalating global conflicts, and a noisy political landscape - Australians are feeling as uneasy this week as they've ever felt in recent years. With winter fast approaching, this malaise is being compounded by the darker and colder weather. While mindfulness and wellbeing techniques such as exercise and meditation have proven...

Big Chungus Spends Millions To Make Sure Everyone Knows He Raped Someone

ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact A big chungus has used millions of dollars of other people's money to essentially broadcast the fact he raped a colleague at work and then lied to cover it up. In a packed courtroom in Sydney with thousands of others watching online, Federal Court Justice Michael Lee handed down his verdict which came some...

Veteran School Teacher Left Speechless After Being Told He Has L Rizz 

MONTY BENFICA | Amusements | CONTACT In a bizarre turn of events that has left the entire teaching staff scratching their heads, a veteran teacher was rendered speechless after being informed by a group of students that he suffers from a mysterious affliction known as "L Rizz." Mr. Thompson (73)  is a seasoned English teacher with over four decades of experience teaching at inner city...

Light Strumming Of Acoustic Guitar At Coastal Restaurant Gives Millionaire Neighbours Some Purpose In Life

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Opening a restaurant in this economy can be a daunting process. The cost of supplies, expertise and bureaucratic government certifications makes for an expensive process - well before a plate has even been served. A housing crisis and cost of living crisis has also crushed the entrepreneurial spirit of young Australians, with many opting to secure a safe wage rather...

Report Finds That People Who Send Their Kids To Steiner Schools Also Had Weird Pets As Children

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT The parents of Steiner school students who drive big vans and grow their hair a little bit too long are also the type of people who used to own bizarre pets as kids, according to a new study. A recent report by the Child Research into Education and Entertainment Pathways Institute (CREEPI) has established a direct link between childhood...

Gen-X Man In Need Of A New TV Misses The 90s When You Could Buy Heavily Discounted Electrical Goods With Cash From A Bloke In The Pub Car Park

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT Like most of Betoota's Gen-X men, Ben Chairsilver (49) is fairly quiet. Unlike the cranky millennialls and constantly outraged baby boomers. He keeps his opinions to himself, and doesn't ask for much. With a Gen-X wife (Amanda, 48) and a Gen-X job (TV cameraman) - Ben just gets on with life and tries his best to keep his now...

Empty 5-Bedroom Home Owned By Interstate Boomers Actually Looking Prime For A Raging House Party

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT A perfectly good 5-bedroom home that sits vacant within walking distance of a local railway station and shopping centre, might be put to good use after all. That's according to some local youths who are considering making the most out Australia's manipulated property market that sees one lucky generation of post-war Australians hoarding a the vast majority of our...

Rogan Bro Carrying On About Solar Eclipse Like It Wasn’t Adequately Explained By Astronomers 3000 Years Ago

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT A modern man who has found himself increasingly fascinated by 'the power of the universe' and diets that contradict everything he's ever learnt about nutrition, has today been absolutely rocked by a mildly interesting natural phenomena. As someone who derides 'mainstream media' as being controlled and takes in very little local news, one white collar Australian man, Ken (35),...

SA Tourism Demands Nation Stop Saying ‘Radelaide’ Like That’s Worse Than ‘Serial Killer Capital’

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT South Australia's tourism authorities have asked the media to refrain from using "Radelaide" and "the City of Churches" to describe Adelaide, following the AFL's Gather Round. Media outlets who arrived in town to cover the event over the weekend were instead asked to reference region’s wineries, or that nice Afghan restaurant they have near the airport. Rather than embracing the...

Local Woman Makes The Horrifying Mistake Of Having A Look Inside Her 8-Year-Old Electric Kettle

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | CONTACT An early-thirties woman from the Betoota Flight Path District has today learnt that boiling water three times a week in the $20 electric kettle she bought in 2016 might not be enough to eradicate any possible bacteria, or at least prevent the growth of some sort of life-form deep within it. It's not something she's ever thought about, and...



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