Not only are Baby Boomers at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19, it has been revealed that many are struggling to find a purpose as they are cut off from pokies, cruises & outbursts of racism on public transport.

While social distancing has been a good excuse for some boomers to cross the road to avoid an ethnic looking family, not having access to their necessities has left several feeling disenfranchised. 

“They say I can help by downloading an app but my phone had no storage so I had to delete Candy Crush. This is bullshit!” stated local boomer Rodney Wilson (76).

“That game was my slap away from slaps.”

Wilson states he initially managed fine during isolation but after completing all the puzzles in his house and running out of possible Scrabble variations he is ready to return to his usual outdoor activities. 

“It’s taken it all away from me Corona has, the pub, the club and me two weeks going around the Canary Islands or wherever, New Mia maybe?”

“You know what I loved about the club? Pokies & piss. You know what I loved about the cruise? Piss & pokies. You know what I loved about public transport? Nothing, because they let anyone on these days! I saw those young fellas didn’t tap on and now they’re acting like they don’t speak English, ploise [sic]…”


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