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A local restaurant manager is being treated for shock after he witnessed a customer completely destroy a wagyu steak with 3 tablespoons worth of salt. 

“I couldn’t stop him” a rattled Carlos Manuela told our reporter over the phone while cowering in the cool room. 

“The customer is always right, but this?” 

“I tried to make a joke with him, I say ‘you want some steak with you salt’ but he didn’t even get it” 

“I had to leave, I couldn’t watch anymore” 

The customer in question is local soybean farmer Dareth Brookes, who, according to Carlos, ruined a $85 award-winning wagyu steak like it was a Coles special. 

It’s believed he’s just ordered a tiramisu for dessert, and it’s not yet confirmed as Carlos is still outside with paramedics. 

There’s been some speculation around whether Mr Brookes will add salt to his tiramisu, The Advocate has sent a reporter down to the French Quarter restaurant to meet Mr Brookes for an interview as he exits the restaurant.

More to come.


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