24 May, 2015. 13:06

STANLEY WORTHINGTON | Sydney Correspondent | Contact

AN UNSETTLING NEW movement has begun to gain traction across Australia as thousands of young people are beginning to find it morally acceptable to “do a poo on a night out”.

Traditionally, it was seen as a social faux pas to have to do a “number 2” when out drinking and if one needed to be done, it would be done in secret.

People have been chastised and ridiculed in the past for having to lay cable while out with their friends, which led to nightclub toilet cubicles being almost exclusively used for recreational drug taking and impromptu sessions of intercourse.

However, it’s fast becoming a part of popular culture and is now considered to be cool to poo while out.

A #ratemyclubdump participant pictured with an impressively long and girthy poo. PHOTO: Instagram
A #ratemyclubdump participant pictured with an impressively long and girthy poo. PHOTO: Instagram

Unfortunately, this is not the lowest point as to which this abhorrent subculture is willing to stoop to.

The pioneers of the movement have also established two distinct hashtags, which other devotees of the trend can rate each other’s faeces.

The images featured on Instagram using the hashtags, #clubdump #ratemyclubdump and #geocrapping have shocked behavioural analysts and publicans around the nation.

Licensee Dallas Stucky says people "Instagram poo fetish people" are forcing people to take drugs elsewhere. PHOTO: Betoota Races Facebook
Licensee Dallas Stucky says people “Instagram poo fetish people” are forcing people to take drugs elsewhere. PHOTO: Betoota Races Facebook

Licensee Dallas Stucky runs an infamous Sydney nightspot and he’s lashed out at these “Saturday night shitters” as they’ve begun taking up valuable drug-taking space, forcing legitimate cocaine and ketamine addicts to take their drugs in plain sight of normal patrons.

“I’ve got people doing key bumps in plain sight of my security,” he said.

“That’s not on. I can’t have people doing drugs in the middle of my club. That’s what the toilets are for,”

“If people need to take a shit while they’re out on the town, do what everybody else does and wait until you get home. The smell is unbearable, even if your nostrils are full of enough gear to take down Pharlap.” he said.




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