ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

The University of Canberra is slated to become the greenest university in Australia according to a government report after the herb was granted parole in our nation’s Capital Territory yesterday.

The decision heralds in a new era in the inland community’s steeped history.

Personal cannabis use and cultivation of a small amount is now legal in the ACT, however, the sale and possession of more than 50 grams will still result in the AFP blackshirts snapping a pair of handcuffs on your wrists.

Australia has one of the highest per capita rates of cannabis use, which is spearheaded by young people aged between 16 and 34.

Millions of Australians within that age bracket attend teritary institutions around the country, leading many to put the University of Canberra at the top of their preference list in light of recent developments.

But the trend toward being green hasn’t extended to the prominent robot factory on the other side of town, Australian National University.

The government report, which was compiled by an agency that doesn’t really need to exist, pointed out that because of the rigorous entry requirements set out by ANU, it was less likely that their campus hose budget would be a significant expense.

As the University of Canberra has more flexible and practical entry requirements, their hose replacement budget was close to $6m last financial year. It’s expected to run over $35m this year.

More to come.


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