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One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has today fronted the media, with a bold new claim that she wasn’t of a sound mind when she made comments about vaccinations causing Autism.

Today’s comments relate to that time Hanson did her best NRL Insta Wag impression and urged people to do their own research into vaccinations.

“I apologise for that time that I said Australian’s vaccination health program the Government’s ‘no jab, no pay’ policy was a “dictatorship”” she said this morning.

Her comments come after Senior One Nation figures sought to blame an attempted 20 million dollar deal with the NRA on being out ‘on the sauce.’

“Whilst I’m still not a hundred percent sold on the whole vaccinations thing, I am seeking for you, the public, to forgive me for my comments as I was out on the sauce all night.”

“A few chandys down at the Jets Leagues Club followed by some house bubbly’s and a couple of tall white wines with ice cubes in them had me pretty rattled to be honest, and I completely forgot that I was supposed to be on that communist propaganda show Insiders.” 

“9 am on a Sunday, what an appalling time to have a TV show. Barry worked for Bob Hawke, surely he knows better than having the show at that time.”

“Anyway, now you know, and I’m off the hook.”


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