CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact

Data released by Woolworths self service checkouts has been released today, revealing that 90% of all items weighed in from the produce section are in fact unwashed potatoes.
The findings have forced dietary researchers to reevaluate how much starch is being consumed by Australians on a weekly basis.
“It’s quite amazing how peoples diets have changed since the self service checkouts were introduced” said Woolworths spokesperson Jimmy Oliver. “I guess potatoes are such a flexible food. Mashed, fried, boiled, roasted…Aussies really love a spud I guess”.
Specialists believe the popularity of the Solanum tuberosum has a direct correlation with the nations growing obesity crisis. “It makes sense. I mean theres clearly some people out there who’s entire fresh produce consumption is just potatoes. Thats’s a lot of carbs”.
Independent economist, John McQueen, weighed in on the findings with a somewhat controversial suggestion, that maybe these figures suggest that the low price of potatoes might play a part in their rising popularity. “There can also be a correlation drawn directly in line with the rising cost of living in Australia” he declared.
These suggestions were immediately laughed off and Mr McQueen was lambasted severely by online members of the baby boomer community.
He has since deleted his Facebook account.


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